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Saturday, March 14

Anna and the Owl

Recall from a previous post that I gave a "practice" rabbit I painted to Adrian when he asked if he could have it. I didn't want to leave Anna out and asked what she would like: "...an owl". [ at this point is where I went off the rails...]

I decided to do a simple barn owl; did one and didn't like it so I did another. I've posted photos of the painting at various stages. Then when she was over today, I asked her which one she liked best and would want me to put into the frame I had.

She furrowed her brow and stuck out her arms with each hand made into a fist. I had to get Adrian to translate: "she means none of them". I asked her what she didn't like about the painting "..I don't want so much white, I want brown".

I then did what I should have done at the start: we sat with a bird book to look at the section on owls, and it turns out she would like a great horned owl.

I respect Anna for sticking to her guns and wish I had been sensitive enough to ask her at the start what she wanted.

So, it is literally back to the drawing board - stay tuned for Owl #3!

 Above is the initial pencil sketch [darkened so I can trace onto watercolour paper].

I apologize for the shadows on these, but rather than putting damp paper into the scanner, I stood and photographed these; shadow is from my desk lamp.

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