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Sunday, December 22

Much too long!

It has been far too long since I put anything up here.... still struggling with "drawing block". Aside from random sketching in my sketch books, the only thing of note was a "smurf battle robot" i drew for my grandson, Adrian. He and I have been having these long involved "smurf" battles. These are "mind" battles mostly as I come up with a 'weapon" and he instantly devises a counter measure. This robot was inspired by these sessions, and I've incorporated some of the better ones in a single Master Robot: the 'flaming weasel gun', the hose 'what shoots sticky juice", giant drill bit, automatic claw arm, laser beam... there are many more but no room on the robot!.

I did them each a Christmas card, which I forgot to scan, but will try to retrieve and put up here.

I will resolve to do draw more!... now that I have my second-hand Stadler drawing table, I have less excuses.

Friday, February 1

I have Idea-- #3

This quick cartoon was inspired by a chat I had with Adrian when we were getting into the car to return to his house after a day at Grammy and Grampa's. This was the day we had built the T-rex snowman and he told me as we got in the car that we were both T-rex's sitting in the car. I said it would be difficult for a T-rex to sit in a car because of its tail. This is not a problem for a 3 year old imagination that hasn't been tainted by practicality: he replied without missing a beat: Grampa you need to have an automatic detachable tail like I have" !...and so do the guys in the cartoon.

Saturday, January 26

I have idea

This doodle was a result of another conversation with Adrian: he has been fascinated with animals "bashing horns" and one day told me that if an animal had a club instead of horns, he'd win all of the bashing fights. this is what I think this guy would look like.

More sketches

Some mosques and minarets;

Some sketches from Saudi, week #4..finally?

I am trying to learn to use watercolours and am obviously still struggling; these were some pears that I'd bought and I used some new water-colour from tubes (bought here) rather than my 'travel kit' of water colour cakes in pan ( similar to what you had a child). The colours and depth of the tube paints are heads above the pan-type.
I also used the sketch book I got from Mike at Christmas; the paper is almost like what money is printed on, heavy weight but not as absorbent as full-blown water colour paper.