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Monday, April 25


Not sure why I included this; the scan has washed out the low values so it looks worse than it is. I will try to do another using my camera and see if it helps.
This was my attempt at using water-soluble graphite.

Grand Mosque, Manama Bahrain

This was done the weekend before the uprisings; lucky timing on my part.

Quick sketches from coffee shop in Karlsruhe, Germany

Near MEC store in Victoria, B.C.

Mosque in Khobar, Saudi

This has really faded from the scanning process. I drew this one since it is very different from most mosques in Saudi: this is coloured and typically they are plain white.

Book characters - version 2

I have a plan to do a book for Adrian and the characters will be birds; this was second batch, in pastel. Colours are faded from the scanning process, not sure why.

canoe cove marina - new paint job

Fisherman's pier in sidney B.C.

Something new, almost

I've still not done any drawings other than messing about in my sketch books, so I've decided to post some of them from various times this year - if only to show that i'm not completely dead in the water.

These are in no particular order.

Doodles from a newspaper: a pencil and an ink contour drawing.

I'll let you figure out who they are.

Is this necessary??

This is the new home of Indian billionare, Amdani. It is 27 stories and has a staff of over 500 to run it!
